A Squeakie Update on Hand Sanitisers and Coronavirus

Despite all the noise and claims, there is only one kind of hand sanitiser that health authorities’ universally recommend that you should use during coronavirus-

Alcohol based hand gels.

Why is alcohol so good at killing germs?

Alcohol based hand sanitisers (with 60% to 80% alcohol) are the only hand sanitisers that are recommended by the WHO, CDC, and the Australian Government Department of Health, and health authorities universally across the world.

This is because broad spectrum alcohol based gels kill germs in 15 seconds flat and alcohol based gels (not sprays or foams) provide the best coverage for a full clean similar to hand washing. Sprays are good to disinfect surfaces but hands need to be coated in gel for a full hand clean for 20 seconds. Sprays’ light coverage kill less germs.

What percentage of alcohol is best?

Anything less than than 60% does not cut it (and there are a lot of them out there which is really irresponsible, not to mention misleadingly and unethical if it also states ‘Kills 99.99% of germs’ on the label. And they exist, we’ve tested them). Also, don’t fall for the reasoning that if its 40% of 50% alcohol its ok. It’s absolutely not.

In a healthcare setting, the CDC recommends 60% ethanol, (Squeakie’s pure milk whey alcohol is 62% ethanol) or if the alcohol is isopropanol, it should be 70%. Isopropanol is a fossil fuel derived & highly drying alcohol.


An 80% formula can be less effective than a 60% alcohol formula.The water in the sanitiser can keep the alcohol from evaporating too fast, allowing the virus to be drenched for longer. Water is also needed for the process that interferes with protein function.

The high-alcohol-based sanitisers (60 to 80%) are the most effective at killing not only the bacteria but particular types of virus. They do so by disrupting their outer membranes or envelope, and that won’t happen unless there’s at least 60 per cent alcohol content.



What kind of alcohol is it?

If you check the ingredients list you’ll find that most hand sanitisers are either fossil fuel derived, highly drying alcohol (isopropyl alcohol, n propanol) and/or the ethanol is denatured.

If it has been denatured, the toxic denaturant chemicals like methanol, phthalates or acetone won’t be listed on the label. Often you’ll find with these kind of hand sanitisers, when you use them before eating food with your hands, food will taste bitter. Even plant based ethanols from corn and sugar cane include unlisted toxic denaturants.

What type of alcohol is in your hand sanitiser?

Alcohol free is no good

One, they’re not as good. They kill less germs. And two, their slow acting, low incorporation antimicrobial chemicals (benzalkonium chloride & triclosan) risk bacterial resistance. These alcohol free or long lasting protection sanitizers stay on your skin and surfaces for hours at a time, allowing viruses and bacteria a chance to mutate. No good. You need your hand sanitizer to be fast acting and broad spectrum. Whats more, benzalkonium chloride is s sensitiser and is no good for people with asthma or eczema. And triclosan has been shown to cause hormone disruption.

The Squeakie Gold Standard

Squeakie is the gold standard in clean hand sanitiser ingredients and germ killing efficacy and coverage. We have looked at every aspect of hand sanitisers and have chosen the best possible option, so you are protected from both germs and nasty chemicals, as well as making your skin feel spectacular. Maximum germ killing efficacy but without dryness or irritation, and without absorbing nasty chemicals.

You can buy your Squeakie 50ml and 250ml Ecopack at our Squeakie Shop.



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